英雄再現 |
Early March 2010, Cotton tree (Bombax ceiba) began flowering
one after another. The red flowers attract honey-eaters. Chinese
bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis) and Red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus
jocosus) are its patrons. With telescope, you can see that
there are many more birds being pulled in by the 「red tower」 amongst
all the tall buildings. |
In our area, the tree is known as Ying Hung Shue (literarlly means
Hero tree), a.k.a. 「Outcrop」 tree for it always grows taller than
other species around, which associates with the emergence of a hero.
Cotton tree appear in my other article 「The Three Musketeers」,
together with the twin Hackberry; and in 「Hero conquers Overlord」
co-star with Chinese Banyan (Ficus microcarpa). |
The tree has a straight central trunk with spaced whorls of
horizontal spreading branches and spikes at its foot. |
Magpie, one of the resident birds in Hong Kong, know how to put the
verticillate branches to use. Nests are built with twigs safely
anchored on the tree. Magpie is undoubtedly the real expert in
selecting the best location for its home with invincible sea view
and cool environment. |
The crown is covered entirely with red flowers to attract birds, far
and near, to disseminate its pollens, which is mutually beneficial.
Blooming after defoliation is the real nature of Cotton Tree.
However, because of global warming, the defoliating signal is
confused. Some leaves which do not get the signal and linger on
while the tree gets the call to bloom. Thus, nowadays, foliage and
blossoms co-exist at the same time.
*translated by Mary Chung |
作者: Leon Lau, 譯者: Mary Chung facebook群組, s94096507@gmail.com |
春之葉 |