

「Granduncle Trees」

-      Small-leaved Aphananthe (Aphananthe cuspidata)

上圖的伯公樹有明顯的板根,驟眼看以為是青果榕,銀葉樹.此樹在大埔的塘面村 .根據<風水林>一書,有板根特性的原生樹種有滇糙葉樹.再翻查<香港古樹名木>一書,在塘面村共有4棵超過140年樹齡的滇糙葉樹,相信圖中便是其中一棵. 香港的公園特色是不選種原生樹種,一些很普通的樹木如山蒲桃,五月茶,魚骨木,黃桐都要到村落才認識得到.滇糙葉樹 ,這麼普通的原生樹種,要找專人介紹才有機會看得見!

Buttress roots can be clearly seen in the 「granduncle tree」 as shown above.  At first glance, the tree is easily mistaken as Common red stem (Ficus variegata var. chlorocarpa) or Looking-glass tree (Heritiera littoralis).  The picture was taken in Tong Min Tsuen in Tai Po.  According to the book <風水林> 「Feng Shui Woods」, the native tree species which have buttress roots is Small-leaved Aphananthe.  If you also flip through the book <香港古樹名木>    「Register of Old and Valuable Trees」, you will find that there is a total of four Small-leaved Aphananthe which are more than 140 years old in Tong Min Tsuen.  The one as shown above is one of them, I believe. 

The peculiarity of parks in Hong Kong is that NO native trees are grown there.  Some very

common species such as Levine』s Syzygium (Syzygium levinei), Chinese Laurel (Antidesma bunius), Butulang Canthium (Canthium dicoccum), Endospermum (Endospermum Chinese) can only be found in villages.  Small-leaved Aphananthe, a common native species, can only be seen when ask to be introduced by specialist.

下圖是另一棵滇糙葉樹,有土地,也有井在旁, 甚有村落的感覺.大樹在西貢輋下村,板根的特性也很明顯.

The picture below shows another Small-leaved Aphananthe and there is a 「village deity」 and a well on its side.  Very rural, isn』t it?  It is Che Ha Village in Sai Kung and the feature of buttress root is very apparent.

*translated by Mary Chung

作者: Leon Lau, 譯者: Mary Chung

facebook群組, s94096507@gmail.com

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