第一回 子葉 Chapter 1 Cotyledon
觀察時間:8 月 11
- 16 日 Observation Period: August 11th -
16th 植物可分為單子葉或雙子葉類別。 Plants
can be divided into two categories: Monocotyledon and Dicotyledonous.
子葉是生長在種子中的。在發芽後未長出新葉前搶先進行光合作用#。 Cotyledons are born in the seed. They produce
the food by Photosynthesis# before the first leaf appears. 小活動 Activity: 留心種子發芽情況,找尋植物子葉,看看它是一片葉(單子葉)抑或兩片葉(雙子葉)? Look at
your sprouting seed, find out whether they have only
one leaf (that is Monocotyledonous), or two leaves (that is
Dicotyledonous)? 我的觀察結果 My Observation: 我的「希望的幼苗」是:單子葉/雙子葉的。(請將不適用者劃去) My
Shoots of Hope is: Monocotyledonous / Dicotyledonous. (Please
delete wherever inapplicable) # 光合作用是一個植物的生化過程,
主要是把太陽能、水和二氧化碳經葉綠素合成氧及糖。 Photosynthesis is a plant bio-chemical
process to make glucose from water and carbon dioxide in the
chloroplast. |