第四回 葉子的工作
- 蒸騰作用 Chapter 4 Function of
the Leaf - Evaporation 觀察時間:9 月 22
- 27 日 Observation Period: September 22nd
- 27th 蒸騰作用是葉子利用葉面上的氣孔蒸發水份產生向上壓力,以把礦物質由根部抽到植物中。 Evaporation
is a process when water vapour is released through the stoma so
as to draw
the mineral from the roots. 小活動 Activity: 把葉片用膠袋和橡筋封著,等待 30 分鐘,然後看看膠袋中有什麼變化? Cover the plant with the plastic bag and the rubber band. Wait for 30 minutes, then find out what you
can see inside the bag. 我的觀察結果 My
observation: 封著葉片的膠袋裡充滿了ˍˍˍˍ___________ˍ。 The plastic bag is filled with ___________________. |