第六回 生長高度 

Chapter 6   Height of Plant

 觀察時間:10 20 - 25

Observation Period: October 20th - 25th


 The height of a plant varies with the environment such as how it is oriented and whether it is put in an outdoor or indoor environment.

 小活動 Activity:


First answer the following questions):

5)    我的「希望的幼苗」是向: / / 西 / (請將不適用者劃去)

My Shoots of Hope is facing:  east / south / west / north. (Delete whichever is inapplicable)

10)我的「希望的幼苗」是置於:室內 / 室外的。(請將不適用者劃去)

My Shoots of Hope is put in an indoor / outdoor environment. (Delete whichever is inapplicable)


Secondly check how different environment elements affect the height of the plants, and measure the height of the plant from the soil surface to the top of it.

 我的觀察結果 My Observation:


The height of my Shoot of Hope is ________cm.