

Complex of Love

-        Half-life Love


Lai Chi Wo is a village of more than three hundred years old in the Northeast New Territories.  There are a number of trees which are over a hundred years old:  Camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora), Looking-glass tree (Heritiera littoralis), Derris trifoliata, Autumn Maple (Bischofia javanica), Small-leaved Aphananthe (Aphananthe cuspidata), Chinese Banyan (Ficus microcarpa).  It is a rare hub of old trees in Hong Kong.

這裡有2棵同齡秋楓,一同生長,遙遙相對,一起經歷了250年的寒暑. 晨光第一線說聲早晨,夜幕低垂時說聲晚安,已有250年了.究竟要累積了多少世,結了多少緣,才有這個幅份呢!

There are two Autumn Maple which are of the same age growing facing each other across a great distance.  They go through more than 250 years together. They greet each other saying 「good morning」 with the first beam of early morning sun and then 「good night」 when the curtain hangs down.  What have they done in their previous lives to deserve such blessings?

在荔枝窩著名的空心樹是秋楓(雌樹),樹齡超過250年,樹胸粗2.2米,樹冠闊15米,樹高18米.秋楓為香港常見的風水林樹種,在多個地方也有發現. 此樹中間掏空,但在邊緣的維管束生命線未有破壞,所以枝葉茂盛,年年結果.

The famous hollow tree in Lai Chi Wo is the female Autumn Maple.  It is over 250 years old with a DBH (diameter at breast height) of 2.2M, CW (crown width) of 15M, at a height of 18M.  Autumn Maple is a common 「feng shui」 tree, which can be found in many areas.  This tree is hollow in the centre, but luckily the vascular bundles on the periphery were not damaged.  The tree continues to thrive with lush foliage and fruit every year.


Right across is another Autumn Maple of the same age.  It is also a female tree as it fruits.  It stands with a DBH of 2.55M, CW of 12M at a height of 23M.  Pay attention to the roots winding all round the tree.  It is being strangled by Chinese Banyan which climbs and occupies half of it.  When you observe from a distance, there are two kinds of leaves on the tree, which is obviously caused by Chinese Banyan.  In 2007, one bough was broken and the tree looks slender.


Two Autumn Maple:  one suffering from 「heart disease」; and the other from strangulation by Chinese Banyan and have to carry the burden for the rest of its life.  When you are next in Lai Chi Wo, please do pay them a visit and say hello.

*translated by Mary Chung

作者: Leon Lau, 譯者: Mary Chung

facebook群組, s94096507@gmail.com

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