


-      Watch out! Pumpkin Heads!!!

在大會堂花園有棵吊瓜樹Kigelia pinnata,是香港少見的奇花異卉.它在秋天開花冬天結果.吊瓜樹的花不是長在枝條上,而是長長的吊下來,花的開口卻是向上.


There is a Kigelia pinnata (commonly known as Sausage tree or Cucumber tree) in the garden of City Hall.  It is a rare species in Hong Kong.  It flowers in autumn and fruit in winter.  Its flowers do not grow on branches, they hang down from the limbs of the tree but strangely face up. 

I took the pictures on October 31, 2009.  At that time, the tree was hanging full with blossom and there are three long fruit.  Counting with my fingers; three fruit on the tree and one 「pumpkin」 head observing the tree (that』s me); a total of four 「pumpkin」 heads under the tree.



<Watch out!  Pumpkin Heads!!!> 

「Pumpkin heads」 should pay special attention when passing by the tree.  There maybe another 「pumpkin head」 falling down from the tree.  People who know how to deride themselves would be able to deal with plights easier.

下圖是在中國中山溫泉賓館前的樹牌,有意識地詳細介紹樹木.奇花異卉吸引遊人停步觀看,有心的人 才會在樹旁加上文字介紹.可惜,在香港這是少見的現象.

The picture below shows a tree label in a hot spring hotel in Zhongshan, China, intentionally displays the tree details.  Exotic flowers and rare plants attract tourists to stop to appreciate and only people who care will add a text description at the side of each tree and plant.  Unfortunately, this is not at all common in Hong Kong.

*translated by Mary Chung

作者: Leon Lau, 譯者: Mary Chung

facebook群組, s94096507@gmail.com

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