葉上劃符-潛葉蠅 |
The picture above shows
the trace left by Leaf miner whilst it』s eating the leaf tissue of
Scaevola hainanensis草海桐.
The larvae of Leaf
miner live in and eat the mesophyll. They go through several
instars and molting stadia and eventually push their way out through
the foliage. The feeding tunnel shows the growth record of the
larva. As the larva grows, the tunnel becomes wider. Droppings are
left along the tunnel - from an initial one dot (entry) to the final
big spot (exit) - and can be clearly visible.
If time, you may keep track of the pattern on the leaf everyday as a
record of growth.
Leaf miners can be found in many species of plants. |

豺皮樟 |

刺柊 |
黑面神是一種有趣的植物,當它的葉片脫落便會自然轉黑,它便叫作黑面神.但當有潛葉蠅leaf miner在葉肉上啃食掘出隧道時,它有一個更貼切的名字-鬼劃符.以下的幾張圖片,便是潛葉蠅劃的符.是治鬼用的符,還是鬼治人的符,可要進一步的考究了.
Breynia fruticosa
(Chinese name:
literally means 「Black-faced God」) is an interesting plant. When
its leaves fall off, it naturally turns black and that』s how it gets
the Chinese name. There is a more appropriate Chinese name
(literally means ghost charm or illegible scribble) when leaf miners
eat the leaf tissue and form a feeding tunnel, leaving damage
pattern on the leaf surface – as shown in the pictures below.
Whether the 『charm』 is used by the ghost against human or the other
way round is yet to be found out. |
See the different
damage patterns made by Leaf miners on Scaevola hainanensis, Litsea
rotundifolia, Scolopia saeva, and Breynia fruticosa. The one on
「Black-faced God」 is made with the least resources but with the most
ingenuity. The nickname of 「ghost charm」 is well deserved. |
Imagine that you are the larva. You cannot see the end of the
mesophyll and just navigate like a headless chicken. The time limit
is when you are at the last bite of the mesophyll, you are in the
final metamorphosis. How to make full use of all the resources in
such a small leaf? You can follow the trail; turn around and across
the vein. You will realize every turn is a tough decision to make.
It looks as if the leaf miner of Black-faced God has its innate wit.
*translated by Mary Chung |
作者: Leon Lau, 譯者: Mary Chung facebook群組, s94096507@gmail.com |
難逃一劫:鳳凰木 |